Goodbye Fever, Hello Covid Arm

File this under “It’s Always Something.”  This one is not too bad, just unexpected.  It turns out that you can have a delayed reaction to the Covid vaccine that causes this itchy red rash at the site of the jab.  Well that actually seems like something you’d expect to happen after a vaccination, but right away, within the first 24 hours. What’s unexpected about this one is that it develops later rather than immediately.  So just when you’re feeling better from the systemic effects of the vaccine and are expecting the usual post-vaccine soreness in your arm to be getting better as well, you suddenly feel like it’s getting a little worse instead of better and it’s red, hot and itchy too.  It can last for a while.  They call it Covid Arm, of course, and just Google it for all the information anyone could want about the condition, but I’ve already done that and the bottom line as far as I can see is that it’s harmless and might actually be a good sign that your immune system is working quite well in response to the vaccine.

Well this time the fever and body aches were mild and only lasted 24 hours, so I will happily trade the 3 days’ worth of fever spiking at times up to 102 degrees that I had after my last Moderna shot for a milder, shorter fever episode and the later-arriving hot, red spot on my arm that may hang around for a while I got from this Pfizer shot…assuming it doesn’t get worse…  

Pass the lollipops, please

Who remembers getting a lollipop at the doctor’s office after getting a shot?  Well I just got my Covid and RSV inoculations this morning and all I got was an opportunity to stroll the aisles and spend money in Walgreen’s while I waited the requisite 10-15 minutes to make sure I wasn’t going to pass out or go into anaphylactic shock from the vaccine.  I did buy a few things while not passing out and now I think I’ll have a little nap while my body decides whether it’s going to make me really sick over this, or just a little uncomfortable.  Prepared for the former, hoping for the latter.  I never really liked lollipops anyway.  Here’s a much better reward:


Thought I’d plant a few gourd seeds and see what would happen.  This happened.  These beauties are ripe for sketching.  I especially like the Daisy variety, but each one has its own appeal, even the dumpy, warty white ones.  Do you see the lone little orange pumpkin and 2 little white ones hiding in there?  I also planted some smaller varieties of pumpkin this year but they didn’t perform as well as the gourds, sadly. I think the cucumber beetles and the odd early summer weather had something to do with it.  The choice of shirt was purely accidental.  I wasn’t planning to look like a large gourd standing there in the background, but that also happened.  Life is funny that way.