Well hiking in the mountains with kids is just the best way to spend a summer weekend! But that’s not all, folks. We fished also:
Here are the boys on Caples Lake, where the fish were not biting at all, but then neither were the ubiquitous mountain lake mosquitos either, and the weather was fine so at least we were comfortable in the boat while we were NOT catching any fish. Also, none of the other fishermen on the lake were catching anything so we didn’t feel too bad about getting skunked. And finally, if you catch no fish, you don’t have to clean any fish.
During a rest on a conveniently placed log while hiking the Kirkwood Lake Loop, Ryan (age 6) composed this little sketch in his nature journal showing a small wooden dock on the edge of lake and the surrounding trees:
He’s going to have to get a set of Faber Castell Albrecht Duhrer watercolor pencils for his birthday. It’s currently his preferred artist medium and while you always think of mountain lakes as sparkling blue, this color combination is quite accurate to depict the swampy-looking water we saw.
Connor was a trouper on the hike:
Daddy only had to carry him about half of the way. Not bad for 3.